Share privately

Send Eleanor an email to privately participate in the project.

What do you think the terms ‘LGBT community’ / ‘LGBT communities’ mean?
What do you understand by these phrases?
If you think this community/these communities exist, where do you think they have come from?
How have they developed? What has this related to?
If you think they exist, do you think these communities (however you understand or experience them e.g. may be virtual or physical) have impacted on your life at all? If so, how?

If you would like to respond to the questions above, make any general comments, or submit any photo’s or other attachments as part of the research but don’t want these to appear on this website, that’s fine – please email them to Eleanor: This information will then be stored securely and analysed confidentially and anonymously.

Alternatively, you can also fill in the contact form at the bottom of this page. If you wish to remain anonymous to Eleanor, then you are free to choose an alternate name or pseudonym.

Privacy and research ethics

The project has received ethical approval from Sheffield Hallam University.

All information included in the final report or other documents will be reported anonymously (i.e. will not use people’s names and any identifiable information will be removed).


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