Have your say through this website!
You can post a comment (thought, story, or even a poem!) or upload an image that says something about how you feel about the subject of LGBT community/communities.
You can comment or submit what you wish, but here are some questions you might like to consider:
Privacy and research ethics
The project has received ethical approval from Sheffield Hallam University.
Please note that information uploaded to the website will be public content; it is therefore recommended that you do not include your real name and/or identifiable information. All content will be subject to approval by the website moderator to ensure it is appropriate prior to appearing on the website.
If you choose to contribute to the website you are understood to have freely given your consent to participate in the research, subject to the conditions below:
All information included in the final report or other documents will be reported anonymously (i.e. will not use people’s names and any identifiable information will be removed).